3 minutes reading time
APR 16 2024

Get ready for the 2024 Steam Summer Sale!

The warm days of summer are just around the corner for most of us. For some, this has been long awaited, while others dread the hot weather. Other than warm weather, since the 2010s, summer has also brought joy for gamers every year. And for good reason: that’s the time for the second big Steam event of the year. The Steam Summer Sale comes with discounts hotter than your barbecue. Games with prices so good, they quench your thirst for games just as good as a tall glass of lemonade. So find a cool place, a nice snack, and get yourself ready for those Steam Summer deals!

Save the date for the Steam Summer Sale of 2024

The good thing about digital products is that they don’t sell out, so there's no need to queue in your local video game store. Still, knowing when to stock up on your favorite games until the next sale hits is a good idea. So mark June 27 - July 11th on your agenda, because for those 15 days, you can enjoy those major discounts during Steam Summer Sale!

A computer screen with a person playing a PC aviation game.

The story and background of the Steam Summer Sale

If you’ve been buying games on Steam for quite a while, you know that Steam has 4 big seasonal sales every year: Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter. According to the archives of the internet, the first Steam Summer Sale happened in 2010, and some debate even earlier. That’s well over a decade of discounts that make up the history behind the Steam Sales. These seasonal sales are notorious for offering big discounts on highly anticipated game titles, especially the Summer and Winter Sales. Whether it's a classic or a new game, chances are your favorites are on sale during this big event with discounts of up to 75% off! In 2023, There were more than just games on sale. Rewards like summer-themed trading cards and free daily stickers made the summer sale extra exciting! So who knows what kind of extras we can expect this year.

How to maximize your strategy during the Steam Summer Sale

Discounts are nice, but to maximize everything that this sale has to offer a little preparation is needed. Going overboard during sales will only lead to overspending and that’s no good for anyone. So, how to make the most of the Steam Summer Sale? There are 3 simple steps you can follow:

  1. Browse the game library beforehand on what games you want and add these to your wishlist. The Summer Sale is not limited to a single genre, so add all the games you want!
  2. Do daily check-ins to see what games are on sale. Maybe there are some that you wanted but forgot. It happens to the best of us.
  3. Set a budget to make sure you are not going to overspend! A good way to do this is to add prepaid Steam credit to your account beforehand. Buy from a trusted reseller like dundle and you know exactly what to spend!

Save your favorites and get ready for a steaming hot summer!

Whether it is Summer or Winter where you are, your days are sure to warm up with some great discounts! And if you plan things right, you can enjoy your games until the next big Steam Sale. But if not, there is nothing to worry about. There are tons of smaller steam sales throughout the year and the Autumn and Winter Sale are sure to give you some great prices as well! If you want to know more about the other sales, you can also check when the next Steam sale is happening!

Mandy Meeuwsen