Card image of PCS Mastercard Recharge €50

PCS Mastercard Recharge €50

Code instantly delivered by email
Card image of PCS Mastercard Recharge €50
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Instantly recharge a PCS Mastercard with secure prepaid credit using a PCS top-up voucher code. Get your code instantly via email and top up any existing myPCS account. Whether you have a Black, Chrome, Infinity or Virtual Card - your code can be redeemed for them all. And, PCS won’t charge you any additional fees for redeeming using your PCS coupon code! Plus, it’s secure, fast and simple to use. Top up any PCS Mastercard quickly with a digital code!

How to redeem your PCS Mastercard Recharge Code

On the PCS website:

  1. Login to "My Account".

  2. Go to the “Top up my card” menu.

  3. Click on “PCS top up voucher”. 

  4. Enter the 10-digit code that you received from us. 


On the MyPCS mobile app for iOS or Android:

  1. Open the app and go to the “Top up” menu.

  2. In the coupon section, enter the 10-digit code that you received from us.

And you’re done! Your prepaid credit is applied to your card balance.

Validity: Your PCS Refill is valid for 1 year. Remember, you must first have a PCS Card to use this prepaid code.

Instant delivery

You will receive the code directly by email, so that you can use the credit immediately.

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Secure payment

Complete the checkout process safely and quickly with a choice of more than 10 payment methods.

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