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Buy NRJ Mobile Recharge

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Buy easily an NRJ mobile recharge online

Looking for a way to get an NRJ Mobile recharge with your preferred payment method and without having to go anywhere? Then simply buy your NRJ Mobile recharge online with one of the 20+ secure payment methods we offer, such as PayPal or Apple Pay. Once your transaction is confirmed, you will immediately receive your code by email. You can then add your credit immediately to your prepaid card. Easy, fast and safe!

Important: These NRJ mobile refills are not compatible with classic or blocked plans.

What are the advantages of NRJ Mobile top-ups?

The NRJ mobile top-ups allow you to easily add credit on your prepaid card. Each refill has a different offer. Choose your recharge according to your needs, the time of communication, the number of SMS and the amount of internet data. You decide how much and when to add extra phone credit. And you only pay for what you use and avoid spending more than you planned to. You can even combine several top-ups at the same time.

NRJ Prepaid Phone Credit FAQ

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We sold our first digital gift card back in 2012 and quickly expanded the range of our digital products in France. Dundle is your number one place for all prepaid shopping credit, game cards, entertainment subscriptions and prepaid payment cards. We offer you reliable digital products, with excellent customer service and optimal payment convenience, 24/7 and without question!

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