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Top up your Play prepaid phone credit with a recharge code

Do you want to top up your Play prepaid phone quickly online? We have an easy and reliable solution for Play customers in Poland! With dundle you can instantly recharge your Play account using a simple 14-digit code. Simply choose one of the 66 convenient payment methods, including PayPal, Skrill, BLIK and credit card and receive your code instantly via email. Now you can top-up your prepaid Play phone in an instant, and that’s it! Boundaries don’t matter when you can contact your loved ones in such an easy way!

Why choose Play prepaid phone credit?

With more than 15 million users all over Poland, Play tailors its service to match the needs of every one of them. Since they began in 2007, they have become the largest phone provider in Poland and show no signs of slowing down. With Play, you always have a flexible choice in coverage at a price that best suits you. Wherever you are, you can now benefit from Play’s easy service and affordable prices!

How does a Play recharge code work?

After receiving your Play recharge code, you can redeem it quickly and easily. 

Just enter *100* and fill in a 14-digit code followed by the # key. Within a couple of minutes, you will receive an SMS confirmation that your balance has been recharged successfully, and you can continue enjoying Play’s services.

Play Top Up FAQs

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We sold our first digital gift card back in 2012 and quickly expanded the range of our digital products in Netherlands. Dundle is your number one place for all prepaid shopping credit, game cards, entertainment subscriptions and prepaid payment cards. We offer you reliable digital products, with excellent customer service and optimal payment convenience, 24/7 and without question!

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