Automatic Refunds

Any canceled order, no matter the reason, will initiate an automatic refund process. Don’t worry, your money is on its way.

This can happen for a variety of reasons:

  • A technical issue during the checkout process.

  • The payment provider you selected declined your payment.

  • Our security system was triggered. (If this is the case, more specific information cannot be provided for security reasons.)

You will receive your payment within 1-3 working days, depending on the payment method used. You can find more information on the waiting times per payment method in the FAQs on that topic.

You can attempt to place another order after 24 hours, just try a different payment method. If you want to use the same payment method, try again in 7 days.


PayPalApple PayVISA / Mastercard / AMEXBitpaySofort-bankingCarte Bancaire
  • ヘルプセンター
  • ご注文履歴
  • キャンセル・返品について
  • カスタムクレームポリシー
  • お問い合わせ