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You will receive the code directly by email, so that you can use the credit immediately.

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Choose from more than 10 different templates.

Secure payment

Complete the checkout process safely and quickly with a choice of more than 60 payment methods.

BancontactPhone Payment (Call)VISA / Mastercard / AMEXApple PayPayPaliDEALSkrillSMS Payment (Onebip)

Dundle in Belgium be

Being one of the first in the Belgian market to do so, we started in 2012 with the online sale of digital gift vouchers, call credit and game credit. Since then, we have regularly expanded our range of products with the Beglian customers in mind. We still do that every day! Dundle aims to be a trusted place for all of our Belgian customers where they can safely shop online every hour of the day and any day of the week. All of our products are immediately available and delivered quickly via email. Our wide range of payment options and committed customer service team, make all the difference for our Belgian customers.

Instant delivery

You will receive the code directly by email, so that you can use the credit immediately.

Gift card design

Choose from more than 10 different templates.

Secure payment

Complete the checkout process safely and quickly with a choice of more than 60 payment methods.

BancontactPhone Payment (Call)VISA / Mastercard / AMEXApple PayPayPaliDEALSkrillSMS Payment (Onebip)
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